To be midwives of this important time in earths history.  We hold space for each other’s healing with love in our hearts and the willingness to share our talents and gifts.

Together we weave a sacred container potent for transformation and initiation into soul aligned, earth rooted, embodied purpose.

Neuroscience is now explaining the different embodied states of being human.

When we familiarise ourselves with the brain we can see that human culture has as a whole becomes more and more left brain embodied, in our cultural discourse charecteristics associated with left brain thinking such as; …. …. & ….. are favored over right brain thinking which is seen as antheisis to these ‘positive’ left brain traits. If left brain thinking makes us more reliable and logical that’s got to be a good thing right? Wrong! What they have discovered is that right brain thinking is less structured and in the moment instead of relying on what is known it is concerned with what is happening now. So no surprise that it is right brain dominant thinkers who do better in relationships. My point is not to argue that right brain or left brain are ‘better’ than each other, but to point out that we have become out of balance with our own neurobiology and that this calls for a rebalancing and restoring of what is optimal and healthy for human and planetary wellbeing.

You know that annoying know it all in your life, some family member or colleague who talks without any opening for contribution? It’s like a diatribe of personal knowledge that goes knowhere. This may be mildlly annoying or reach critical mass until you swear you’ll never sit through another meeting/dinner with that person again! Small in the scheme of things but when this is the same situation played out between humanity and the rest of the natural world we have a serious problem. Thankfully there are humans who are taking very seriously the job of listening to the natural world like our lives and the lives of our children depend on it.

The power of the stories we tell ourselves inform who we are and how we see the world. How we see the world informs the choices and actions that we take.

I weave in symbols from new and ancient stories that support the integration of being Earth Human Beings.  Stories is my way of communicating, yours may be art or song or poetry.  These are the ways of conveying meaning, not limited to the structures of formal linear language.

Essay:  The Tree Of Life, A Symbol of Re-connection

Meditation: Tree of Life Meditation

My invitation to you is to; Embody the gift of your unique soul aligned presence

I am a guide to assist you in Aligning with your purpose, supporting the identifying of limiting beliefs and how they serve you. When we heal we send ripples of healing across time and place.

I offer a threshold, to enter sacred space of your heart attuning to your empowered self for healing, health and happiness.

The heart field is a powerful healer, When you are in heart brain coherence you are part of earth coherence.

Heart Coherence Meditation

I am a journeyer like you who has discovered some wonderful practises along the way.  My grounding is in holding a safe space for profound self-enquiry and healing to take place.

For:  Integrating trauma the memory of trauma as in appears in the present

        Re-forming your relationship to core-beliefs that is limiting you

        Dream incubation - Working with the symbolic language of the psyche

Teachers that inform my work include:


Carl Jung, Roberto Assagioli, Gabor Mate

Shamanic Wisdom Keepers:

Sandra Ingerman, Jamie Sams, Starhawk