Week 1

Welcome to your Dreaming Life

Dreaming and being dreamed

“Row row row your boat gently down the stream

Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream”

Our meaning making is shaped by our consciousness, our consciousness is mostly unconsious to us. Dreams are a bridge to this well of self knowledge.

As Jung said, each unexamined dream is like an unopened letter.

This course is a deep dive into dreamwork and self reflection using tools from depth psychology and intentional dreaming I invite you on this experience of becoming more familar with this inner landscape that can be a treasure trove of insight and possibilities that enlivens us to the life we are living.

This course weaves three threads together:

Your personal dreaming and the symbols that empower, challenge and are of bright promise in your life.

Guided practices for reflection

Guided practises for intentional dreaming

Intro Email

Course outline

Week 1: Foundational practise

Setting up your dream temple

Starting recapitulation at night and in the morning

Guided meditation/reflection on your intention for coming to this course

Sitting with how it sits, is this the intention for you. Open to what else emerges is there another intention a little deeper to reveal what you need from this 7 week practise.

Week 2:

Purpose of the course



Intro to the Week

Video Lecture

Guided Meditation

Excersises/Deepening practises

 Week 2


Intro to the Week

Video Lecture

Guided Meditation

Excersises/Deepening practises